Fraud & AML
Fraudsters are getting smarter. But we can outsmart them.
You've worked hard for your business. It deserves to be protected.

From transactional fraud to fraudulent account identities, to regular customers scamming you on repeat free trials – isn't it time you stopped being cheated by customers, competitors, bots and criminals?

With the potential for security breaches to erode customer trust, attract compliance scrutiny and fines, and even permanently damage your reputation – fraud protection is an investment you can't afford not to make.

Let us show you how it makes sense for your assets and your pocketbook.

Our bespoke fraud engine was designed with the intelligence to detect patterns and learn from millions of historical data points related to transactions, account ownership, account relationships and customer behaviour.

The result is a second-to-none fraud solution that can:


We've combined machine learning, AI and graph databases as a powerful force to:

• Determine fraudulent accounts and customer information

• Assess in-flight and historical transactions to identify fraudulent patterns

• Detect suspicious accounts at individual, entity and relationship levels

• Get ahead of cross-border attacks using location indicators

• Develop custom dashboards that make managing your database easy, even with a small team


Stop fraud in its tracks with the ability to:

• Assign integrity scores to accounts to optimize fraud investigations

• Automate account verifications systems to prevent actors from establishing accounts

• Develop pattern recognition that triggers real-time fraud alerts


Enjoy taking a proactive approach now that you have the tools to:

• Analyze risk across customer segments, business units, and enterprises, to understand micro and macro financial impacts

• Feed AI and machine learning with legacy data to fast-track detection at lightning speeds and build an immediate ROI for your investment

Futureproof your systems with real time response – no delays waiting for third party systems to update.

When you invest in us, we return the favour.

Our unique approach to fraud and AML protection involves investing in your existing team of analysts to upskill their knowledge to today's technology standards.

Equipped with our best-in-class, automated solution, your team will have more time to focus on investigations instead of administration, and you'll save the high cost of outsourcing to a third party.

The best part? As the models continue to learn using AI and machine learning, it builds your internal Fraud IP.

•Graph DB
•Event hub
•Stream Analytics
•Blob storage